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The PIMC began with 3 people in 2005.  Since then we have grown to almost 100 members throughout Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, Washington and Canada.  We have always been a fun, loosely organized group of people who enjoy talking about and driving our MX-5’s. 


As part of the membership process, the PIMC has a set of Rules and Standards (listed below) that all members must agree to and follow.  Also, members and guests must sign the PIMC Waiver and Release of Liability form (may be viewed on the “Events” page of the web site) prior to every drive.  Please read the Rules and Standards carefully; then complete the information and you will become a member of the PIMC. 

The purpose of the Presque Isle Miata Club (PIMC) shall be to promote goodwill for the mutual benefit of club members; to provide social, recreational, technical and instructional activities for the enjoyment of the Mazda Miata MX-5; to promote a responsible image for all Miata MX-5 owners and drivers.


PIMC Member Benefits:

Advice and guidance with car repair or customization.

Invitation to participate in any club event.

Email updates regarding club activities.

Annual Can-Am Summer picnic.

An individual photo in the members’ section of the club website.

PIMC logo stickers for your Miata.

PIMC logo magnets (nominal cost) for your Miata.

Your Miata may be featured on the PIMC web site.

Membership is free; there are no dues.

Rules & Standards:

PIMC membership is open to all Miata lovers at least 18 years of age.

All Miatas are expected to be clean and maintained up to the vehicle potential.  Remember, wherever you go you are representing the PIMC.

Members should try to attend at least 3 functions per season.

Members should try to plan at least 1 drive/event per season.

Members are required to maintain a valid driver’s license and auto liability insurance of the state in which the car is registered, equal to state minimum requirements.

Members are expected to treat other members with respect; disparaging remarks or foul language is not acceptable.

Members are expected to obey all traffic laws; no speeding, tailgating, reckless driving, etc.

Members will not participate as a driver in events if they have any physical or mental condition which would impair their ability to perform safely; or if under the influence of any alcoholic beverages or other drug or drugs which would impair their ability to perform safely.

All members and guests (drivers and passengers) must sign a WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY form prior to each drive.

PIMC drives conclude once the group arrives at the designated location, unless otherwise specified.

Termination of membership: Failure to follow any of the Rules and Standards may result in termination.   A simple majority vote of those present at a PIMC meeting can terminate a membership. 


Assumption of risk:  

Members and guests understand that during outings and events arranged by PIMC, there are certain risks and dangers, including but not limited to: motor vehicle operation, travel on roads and highways, forces of nature, accidents and illness.  In consideration of the rights of participants in PIMC events, members and guests assume all associated risks and hold harmless now and in the future the PIMC, any other participating clubs, and all involved individuals.


By providing your information, you are agreeing to the Rules and Standards listed previously. 


Also, we would like to share PIMC members email addresses and phone numbers among the membership.  The information below will never be shared with any other entity; members must agree to use this information only for club related matters.  Any member using contact information for anything not club related (ex: soliciting business) will have their membership terminated.

Joining the PIMC
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You may add email/phone for a spouse/partner
Please list their name.

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